It’s time to share with y’all my latest baby, I’ve been nursing her for a while but I reckon it’s about time to let her take some steps on her own.
A while ago I made the decision to start a second site solely dedicated to the animal-friendly, somewhere central for all kai and vegan related posts. This site is theboganbuddha dot com. It’s still work in progress but it is my hope that she will be the place where I put recipes, reviews of recipes and other such related musings.
My first post it is Monkey Business. The name is a homage to a Skid Row track from the excellent Slave to the Grind album. I am rather fond of the idea of creating and/or naming a recipe based on a song or similar, so some recipes will have titles that reflect a particular piece of musical inspiration.
There also have a section called ‘Techniques‘ where I plan to post…well, technical things. Like the explanations to my recipe shorthand, what the hell is a chiffonade and important things to remember when baking cupcakes.
I also do explain inspiration behind the name theboganbuddha.
Finally, while I’ve been planing the launch of theboganbuddha for a while, today seemed like an auspicious day to finally launch it in earnest. This evening I was fortunate to meet and greet Isa Chandra Moskowitz at her book signing session at Ms Cupcakes. As I consider Isa a the goddess among vegan cookbook authors this was a pleasure. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy theboganbuddha.